Runs Key is here again, i have promised to allways provide you my reader update key in the word, so am giving you this KEY now so you can know what is going on in that area, so read it and learn from it.
n the most basic sense, gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime. A hundred years ago, Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves, as a part of his theory of general relativity. Up until recently, the existence of gravitational waves was still theoretical. That is until LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, detected gravitational waves for the first time.
Explaining gravitational waves much beyond that is best left to the professionals, so here is The Good Stuff to help us fill in why this was such a tremendous discovery…
Via: The Good Stuff 1
Since that initial discovery, there has been a second detection of gravitational waves!
This time, we detected the collision of two smaller black holes, and this confirmational discovery has been equally as exciting for scientists.
New waves of discovery…
The detection of gravitational waves is the perfect example of a paradigm shift that opens up a new field of understanding and study.
Where once we could only gaze up at the sky and wonder how many black holes lay out in the universe, or hypothesize how far we could see back in time, we can now be searching for answers.
As technology advances, we are able to make major discoveries about our universe at an unprecedented rate. It is truly an inspiring time to be alive as mystery after mystery in our understanding is peeled back. It excites me to think about how frequently we will have to change how we teach future students about the known world. Our idea of what is fact seems to be changing on a monthly if not weekly basis.
Perhaps we can find a way to celebrate the expansion of our knowledge more. The more each and every one of us knows about our world and how it works, the more we raise each other up to be a more educated and knowledge seeking planet.
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