Thursday, 8 September 2016


Fast Traffic Code
Disclaimer: This WSO is for informational purposes only. I
am not held reliable for any results. All refunds and support
questions should be sent to
with the subject line : Fast Traffic Code only.
Fast Traffic Code is a simple little system I discovered when a
friend told me about it.
I don't like fluff at all. It's just not worth it. I want you to get
through with this WSO fast and quickly.
What I am going to show you is a simple little trick using a
famous little app.
Most social networks in today's world are connecting people
to thousands of people.
If you have ever been on Facebook and Twitter, you would
see that social media connects you to thousands and millions
of people.
However, so many sources on the web are filled with
thousands of people already optimizing them, so it becomes
harder to succeed.
I have found that you can't just go to the same place as
everyone else. You need to diversify.
Think of this WSO as your next new venture online. This
source is at their beginning stages online, and you can hit it
big with it before everybody else does.
This single WSO is going to pave the way to new
opportunities and ways of marketing.
What Is This WSO going to focus on?
I'm going to focus on one specific social network.
Now, you first have to decide how you'll use this system. I
would recommend trying it with just getting website views to
see how it goes. You could go straight to an affiliate product if
you would like.
I won't go into detail what affiliate marketing is if you're a
newbie, but you can do a Quick Google search for it, or if you
want, (I'd gladly send you a free copy of one of my old WSOs
if you ask nicely)
What I'm going to show you is Vine.
Vine is one of the most popular apps on the web right now.
Vine has created huge social media celebrities.
Vine takes on the idea that you make 6 second videos. Most
people are able to reach HUGE audiences with this app.
You'll need a smartphone to access and make use of this
strategy the most.
Download Vine right now to your phone.
Create a username and password. All pretty explanatory.
When you sign up, you want to start revining stuff so your
account looks like its a real account of a real person.
Just go through the different categories in the search section
(the search section is the second button on the bottom area)
Just find a category you find interesting, start looking for
different Vine videos that you enjoy, and just revine it. The
revine button is the arrow that you see under each new video.
Revines will pop up onto your profile. This helps make you
look active. Just enjoy for a little but since most vines are
generally very funny, you shouldn't get bored or anything.
The nice thing about this technique is how much fun you'll
have watching videos. You can head to the Popular Now page
to enjoy some of the Vines there. It's amazing how you have
millions of videos to revine, so just revine a few.
You just want to look legit.
Here is where the magic happens:
Note: this technique won't get you *extremely* targeted
traffic, but it can bring your offer to thousands of people at
any given moment. (PERFECT FOR CPA)
What you're going to do now is to head to the search box and
just type in "I Follow Back" or "follow back". Just look for
the vine accounts that have thousands of followers and are
following tons of people.
Just simply follow every single person you see in their list of
followers. It may take a few minutes. When you see all of
these people, just click on the button next to their username.
Just follow each person there.
Follow as much as you can. Try to only follow about a couple
hundred people. Wait about 30 minutes, and then go for
another thousand or so. When you're able to click on the
followers that quickly, it's amazing how quick you can get
Let me tell you again: there's MILLIONS of people on Vine,
so you'll never lose out on people to sell to.
Here's the thing: the people you are following are the people
FOLLOW YOUR ACCOUNT BACK. What you're going to
do now is when you start getting people following you back,
which may only take a few minutes to do, you have the option
can send a direct message to people who aren't following you,
but when they follow you, they SEE IT EASIER AND
FASTER, and 99% of these messages are read.
That may not be a real statistic, but anyone who is on this app
knows that their Vine messages are really important to check.
This is when it gets exciting, because you can have thousands
of people following you back, and it's easy to send them a
message now.
To send a VM to the people following you, click on the top
right happy face. It should lead you to an empty inbox.
Click on the three dots on the top right side of this page, and
then click on every person who is following you.
Send them a quick message, or if you're brave enough, a
But a message is enough.
You can promote to them whatever you want.
Again, it isn't targeted traffic, but a lot of these people are
very interested in almost any type of industry.
Is this spamming?
Not exactly. It's not spamming because these people are
actually spamming themselves, to an extent. They just really
like getting the followers and someday using their accounts to
promote anything down the road.
In your messages, you can send a short and to the point
message about ANYTHING YOU WANT.
You cannot post links, but you can still get the traffic by using
a tinyurl and telling them what to type in. YES, THIS IS
You can actually send out a message telling them to try out a
CPA offer, which is where I think you will have the most
success with. (If you don't know how to get started with CPA,
just ask for help and I'll gladly send you a free copy of my old
WSOs about CPA marketing.)
Here's a message I once used for a CPA Offer:
"Thanks for the follow back! Do you want to check out this
(insert CPA offer niche here). You'll get (insert the benefit
I recommend using strictly CPA at first simply because you
aren't selling anything, and you won't get anybody blocking
you this way. Building your list is another option. (Promoting
anything related to free stuff always gets them)
But I have promoted Clickbank products a few times with
plenty of success.
The nice thing about Vine is that there are so many open
opportunities. I have been working on so many things to
maximize my time using the app. This is just one of the things
I've done using it, and it's all up to you to decide what you'll
be doing.
"Can You Share Your Vine Accounts?"
I would tell you, but Vine accounts can get suspended in
SECONDS if anybody reports any mischievous behavior, so
it's being saved just for me!
This simple technique is just one trick, so try to see what
works for you. Experimenting is always helpful.
I also recommend just trying different things because you
never know what may work for you.
What's The Demographic Of People On Vine?
It's very wide, and ultimately, it varies from person to person,
but rest assured, there are so many people to follow on this
Tips When Using Vine
- You Can Build A Real Following
You can actually build a real following. The nice thing about
Vine is that you can have Dozens of accounts. Some may be
deleted if they are inactive, so if you're going to try and
maintain maybe five or six accounts, keep them active and
sign into them every two days or so to avoid an account being
deleted. None of my accounts have been deleted, but I make
sure to update them and revine vines at least once every other
day to show that I'm using the account.
I highly recommend building one using this technique that I
have explained above, build another one trying to target
another set of accounts, and maybe two or three accounts all
doing the same thing.
And then you can try building a real following by doing the
things below:
- Repost Vines
Head down to the On The Rise page or the Popular Page, and
just take the videos people have posted and repost them. You
can download them to your computer, and you can just repost
it to the Vine platform through your own account. You can be
sure that people will like since it has been viral before.
- Using Hashtags
Hashtags are great. When you post vines, you need to make
sure that you put the most popular hashtags in your
description. Posting a vine is fairly simple when compared to
uploading a YouTube video.
Vine is like another YouTube.
It's a place that HASN'T been exposed as a place for
marketers to take advantage of.
YouTube is filled with marketers..... It's filled with spam
content. Vine is still trying to avoid such marketing material,
but to there are ways around it, and that is why the blatant
promoters get excused off.
Vine is just at the beginning stages.
Think of this opportunity as a place to really get yourself out
there for once. There are people using Vine to do all kinds of
things. If you want to make serious cash, make a boatload
from it by actually getting started on it now before others start
taking advantage of it.
Vine could be used online if you don't have a smartphone, so
please keep this in mind. I haven't been able to research all
about this, but there are many websites that do specialize in
this, and the main website allows you to create an account
I would recommend building a following on a real account
promoting whatever niche you want, whether it's making
money, fitness, cooking, or anything, and then on the side
creating tiny accounts that are meant to just help you get
those quick cash for Clickbank, CPA or whatever you want to
get fast traffic.
Please send me any questions here if you need help:


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